Gerardo Sanchez | Conekta Integral leadership, powerful relationships, nonviolent communication

Always in search of meaning and solutions that work for everyone, which implies getting out of the known and developing ourselves as professionals and human beings. This is my passion.

I have participated in training programs in organizations in the education, health, social and corporate sectors, developing seminars and sessions that have to do with communication, relationships, emotional intelligence, cultural transformation and in the therapeutic field.

I am currently a regular trainer at one of Europe's leading banks and am involved in a global corporate cultural transformation programme for one of the world's leading multinational cosmetics companies.

The team

Pedro Rubio

Pedro Rubio

My vocation is my own personal development and to help people, teams and organizations to evolve.

Maria del Campo

Maria del Campo

I am passionate about the development of human potential and how that impacts in life satisfaction and the organizations we run.

Gerardo Sanchez

Gerardo Sanchez

Always looking for meaning and solutions that work for everyone.

Annabel Lemétais

Annabel Lemétais

Passionate about understanding our inner workings as people, I have specialized in effective communication and sustainable wellness habits.